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4 posters

Posts : 32
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 32
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[App]Safrock Empty
PostSubject: [App]Safrock   [App]Safrock Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 3:07 am

Name:Isaias Moreno


What good are you to MapleCrucial:

-I can help the server rid of hacker
-Create fun and enjoyable events
-And a lot more =)

How long have you been playing Maplestory: I started playing maplestory since version 55 something, and still do!

Can you follow instructions and the GM rules: Of course I can, I haven't broke any rules yet, have I?

When Are You On/How long: I can be on anytime you want (:

Are You Trustworthy?: Yes I am trust worthy because, I have been a gm in a couple of servers (see below)
Very Happy
Have you been staff on other forums/servers:
Right Now Im Global Moderator of a forum for GFX but also and had managed forums and l2, wow, gundound, mu and other games...
GFX Forum

How much experience do you have:
I was GM In NarkoStory...Safrock
GM On VnzlaMS....ZFK
TigerStory Safrock

Whats makes you better than the other people applying:
I am online I see no GMs online as day time for me is night time for you, as such people will tend to behave unappropriatly and many questions asked by newbies are left unanswered....Like those requests for NX items >_<. I am also able think rationally even under pressure. I also have at least 2 years worth of Maplestory experience (Msea and private servers) Most importantly I am active .I am always ready for a challenge anytime anywhere and i believe in being fair and non-abusive of my powers. I also believe in taking proof and stuff before doing something as I can't just do something because it's in just my point of view. I can't code and stuff but it's never too late to learn isn't it? You can assure that I will contribute more to Maple Crucial as a GM

How can we contact you:

Extra Info:

I love helping people and I have patience for it! I would love to meet more new people from all around the world and help anyone who needs help! I am willing to learn anything new. I will take my job as a GM seriously and not ban people for grudges and judgement. I'll only ban people if I only get solid proof from either a player or take a Screen Shot myself. I will not let other people interfere with my job. I would love to make Maplecrucial as fun and hacker free as possible!

When I play MapleCrucial I see GMs doing hard work helping out players and all and I would love to help them out and maybe take off some of their workload.

Thank you for looking at my app,I Want Make Server More Fun For Players...! And Do Event's And Make Server Better *_* Helping Whit All I Can *-*

Well Goodbye
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-11-08

[App]Safrock Empty
PostSubject: Re: [App]Safrock   [App]Safrock Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 3:46 am

Good and detailed =]

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Posts : 42
Join date : 2009-10-18

[App]Safrock Empty
PostSubject: Re: [App]Safrock   [App]Safrock Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 10:07 am

Safrock wrote:
Name:Isaias Moreno


What good are you to MapleCrucial:

-I can help the server rid of hacker
-Create fun and enjoyable events
-And a lot more =)

How long have you been playing Maplestory: I started playing maplestory since version 55 something, and still do!

Can you follow instructions and the GM rules: Of course I can, I haven't broke any rules yet, have I?

When Are You On/How long: I can be on anytime you want (:

Are You Trustworthy?: Yes I am trust worthy because, I have been a gm in a couple of servers (see below)
Very Happy
Have you been staff on other forums/servers:
Right Now Im Global Moderator of a forum for GFX but also and had managed forums and l2, wow, gundound, mu and other games...
GFX Forum

How much experience do you have:
I was GM In NarkoStory...Safrock
GM On VnzlaMS....ZFK
TigerStory Safrock

Whats makes you better than the other people applying:
I am online I see no GMs online as day time for me is night time for you, as such people will tend to behave unappropriatly and many questions asked by newbies are left unanswered....Like those requests for NX items >_<. I am also able think rationally even under pressure. I also have at least 2 years worth of Maplestory experience (Msea and private servers) Most importantly I am active .I am always ready for a challenge anytime anywhere and i believe in being fair and non-abusive of my powers. I also believe in taking proof and stuff before doing something as I can't just do something because it's in just my point of view. I can't code and stuff but it's never too late to learn isn't it? You can assure that I will contribute more to Maple Crucial as a GM

How can we contact you:

Extra Info:

I love helping people and I have patience for it! I would love to meet more new people from all around the world and help anyone who needs help! I am willing to learn anything new. I will take my job as a GM seriously and not ban people for grudges and judgement. I'll only ban people if I only get solid proof from either a player or take a Screen Shot myself. I will not let other people interfere with my job. I would love to make Maplecrucial as fun and hacker free as possible!

When I play MapleCrucial I see GMs doing hard work helping out players and all and I would love to help them out and maybe take off some of their workload.

Thank you for looking at my app,I Want Make Server More Fun For Players...! And Do Event's And Make Server Better *_* Helping Whit All I Can *-*

Well Goodbye

Declined for now, We don't want 1 post applications,

Play the game, get to know people, then apply .
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Posts : 158
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 31
Location : in Da skies~

[App]Safrock Empty
PostSubject: Re: [App]Safrock   [App]Safrock Icon_minitimeSun Nov 08, 2009 2:47 pm

Hi! Deotox here!

Nice App!
Very Detailed indeed!
I wish you the best of luck once you start posting =D

bye for now~ Razz
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Posts : 32
Join date : 2009-11-08
Age : 32
Location : Error Not Found

[App]Safrock Empty
PostSubject: Re: [App]Safrock   [App]Safrock Icon_minitimeMon Nov 09, 2009 1:58 am

Spark wrote:
Safrock wrote:
Name:Isaias Moreno


What good are you to MapleCrucial:

-I can help the server rid of hacker
-Create fun and enjoyable events
-And a lot more =)

How long have you been playing Maplestory: I started playing maplestory since version 55 something, and still do!

Can you follow instructions and the GM rules: Of course I can, I haven't broke any rules yet, have I?

When Are You On/How long: I can be on anytime you want (:

Are You Trustworthy?: Yes I am trust worthy because, I have been a gm in a couple of servers (see below)
[App]Safrock Icon_biggrin
Have you been staff on other forums/servers:
Right Now Im Global Moderator of a forum for GFX but also and had managed forums and l2, wow, gundound, mu and other games...
GFX Forum

How much experience do you have:
I was GM In NarkoStory...Safrock
GM On VnzlaMS....ZFK
TigerStory Safrock

Whats makes you better than the other people applying:
I am online I see no GMs online as day time for me is night time for you, as such people will tend to behave unappropriatly and many questions asked by newbies are left unanswered....Like those requests for NX items >_<. I am also able think rationally even under pressure. I also have at least 2 years worth of Maplestory experience (Msea and private servers) Most importantly I am active .I am always ready for a challenge anytime anywhere and i believe in being fair and non-abusive of my powers. I also believe in taking proof and stuff before doing something as I can't just do something because it's in just my point of view. I can't code and stuff but it's never too late to learn isn't it? You can assure that I will contribute more to Maple Crucial as a GM

How can we contact you:

Extra Info:

I love helping people and I have patience for it! I would love to meet more new people from all around the world and help anyone who needs help! I am willing to learn anything new. I will take my job as a GM seriously and not ban people for grudges and judgement. I'll only ban people if I only get solid proof from either a player or take a Screen Shot myself. I will not let other people interfere with my job. I would love to make Maplecrucial as fun and hacker free as possible!

When I play MapleCrucial I see GMs doing hard work helping out players and all and I would love to help them out and maybe take off some of their workload.

Thank you for looking at my app,I Want Make Server More Fun For Players...! And Do Event's And Make Server Better *_* Helping Whit All I Can *-*

Well Goodbye

Declined for now, We don't want 1 post applications,

Play the game, get to know people, then apply .

I Know People On Forum...And they Know Me...u.u

I Start Post More *-*
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[App]Safrock Empty
PostSubject: Re: [App]Safrock   [App]Safrock Icon_minitime

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