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 [READ] Server Rules.

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Posts : 42
Join date : 2009-10-18

[READ] Server Rules. Empty
PostSubject: [READ] Server Rules.   [READ] Server Rules. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 18, 2009 8:25 pm

Rules for Regular Players

- No Hacking - This is obvious the consequences are a permanent ban with an IP ban, no exceptions.

- No abuse of any glitches or faults you may find in the game - Please report those immediately, abusing them WILL result in a ban. Depending on the magnitude of the glitch this may be punishable with a week~permanent ban.

- No harassment - You will be warned if reports are legitiment, banned if persistent. Racist jokes are harassment if the person takes offense, so choose carefully who you joke around.

- No advertising of other servers - If you're just talking about them a lot you will be warned, if you're literally spamming "pls j> my server" you will be permanently IP banned.

- No KSing (kill stealing) - If you are KSing persistently you may be banned, if you are getting 1 or 2 reports you may just get warped away.

- No abuse of GMs - This includes things like begging for res/warp/items/mesos and more. No means no!

- Do not accept "godly" items that are GM spawned unless as an event prize - If a GM spawned items are given to you, report immediately! (With a screenshot preferably) If you are found with such items on your account that cannot be accounted for you WILL be banned. Consider this your warning. Keep in mind you need to help the GMs and admins to their job, if there is a rogue GM, TELL US!

- Scamming is not allowed - If you are found scamming it will result in a week ~ permanent ban.

-Abusing Voting for NX/KoC NX - You may not make extra accounts just to get extra NX Cash.

- Please do not insult our staff by comparing them to monkeys - It's quite disrespectful as we'd be able to type the works of Shakespeare much faster.

Finally, we reserve the right to ban you for anyone reason we see fit, however if a GM bans you without you offending any of the listed rules above, you may appeal to be unbanned, you WILL be told why you were banned if you appeal.

Rules for GMs :
- No warping/resing people in bosses, or anywhere unless it's an event or you caused their death.

- No killing random people, unless that's somehow part of your event.

- No abuse of commands, this includes using !killall to steal EXP from other players or !vac'ing monsters onto players.

- If someone appeals on the forum, proof of their offense must be offered.

- No one overrides another GMs verdict unless discussed with by an admin and the GM involved.

- If you do have a legit, you agree to abide by all the rules for legit players, which means you may not spawn yourself items, level yourself or anything of the sort.

- Reasonable events only, no exp snails whatsoever, no godly items for easy events, and it should be obvious that you cannot host any private events, all events MUST be announced.

- Selling accounts on Forums is not permitted.

Failure to abide by the rules for GMs will be discussed by the staff of the server, and the punishment will be dealt with accordingly.

~ Regards, Spark
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[READ] Server Rules.
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